Hospital Bernard Mevs
In June 2010, after treating more than 30,000 earthquake victims at a tent hospital, Project Medishare moved into Hospital Bernard Mevs (HBM), which was only partially functional due to post-quake conditions. With the installation of high-tech equipment and upgrades that included intensive care units for adults, children and premature babies, Project Medishare transformed HBM into one of the only trauma and critical care hospitals in Haiti.
HBM is no longer in earthquake relief mode. Project Medishare continues to partner with HBm with a focus on capacity-building to create the physical and human infrastructure that will enable sustainable access to critical care for the Haitian people. We have two main goals: Shifting all operations and key leadership positions to local, Haiti staff and Creating a broad base of recurring revenue sources to drive financial sustainability.
Hospital Bernard Mevs is a 52-bed critical care, trauma and rehabilitation hospital which aims to treat the five preventable causes of death in Haiti today: major trauma, heart attack, stroke, burns and maternal emergencies.
Project Medishare engages medical volunteers at Hospital Bernard Mevs. Volunteers play a crucial role by:
Mentoring and supporting the Haitian staff.
Backfilling for Haitian staff while they are in training.
Providing specialized services and expertise not consistently available locally.
Supplementing Haitian staff, especially during peak hours of the day. While the overall patient volume is no longer at the level of a post-disaster relief hospital, our units remain busy and there are generally more patients in the community than we can care for. Our volunteers help to close this gap.
Volunteers travel for one week deployments, are housed in volunteer quarters on campus and are able to enjoy an immersive experience working alongside Haitian medical staff.
To learn more, click here.
Our Services
Pediatric Residency
In a country with nearly 4 million children, Haiti only has 400 pediatricians. We’re training pediatricians to ensure children receive the care they need. By focusing on evidence based medicine and one-on-one supervision with experienced pediatricians, Hospital Bernard Mevs and Hospital St. Damian's have joined forces, with the Ministry of Health and the University of Notre Dame of Haiti, to create a residency training program in Pediatrics. The goal of the program: To increase the number of competent pediatricians to serve the country's needs.
Neurosurgery Fellowship
In 2015 Project Medishare launched Haiti’s first neurosurgery training program. The goal of the four year program is to build local capacity by improving access to neurosurgical care for Haiti’s most common neurosurgical diseases: brain and spine trauma, birth defects, stroke and degenerative diseases. Created in partnership with Hospital Bernard Mevs, the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, Nicklaus Children's Hospital, the State University of Haiti and the Haitian Ministry of Health, this fellowship is funded by Haiti Heathy Kids and relies on mentors from across North America to train the fellow.
Specialty Surgery
Project Medishare coordinates with hospitals across the United States to send down volunteer surgical teams throughout the year. These volunteers donate their time and skills to perform a range of surgical procedures, with an emphasis on hydrocephalus cases.